The Crying Game

Oh, come on. Really?

In a campaign stop at the Child Study Center of Yale University, her alma mater, Clinton received lengthy praise from a supporter who claimed to remember her from her days as a student. After the remarks were delivered, Clinton joked that, “I said I would not tear up.”*

But, of course, she did.

Either today’s magic moment was all orchestrated to work the same magic that moved the masses in New Hampshire, or she has actually reached an emotional breakpoint in her campaign. And if she has reached such a point, why aren’t her handlers managing her time in such a way as to prevent such exposure?

Scratch that … make that “massive exposure.”

Are we all really so gullible? Are we?

6 responses to “The Crying Game”

  1. Excuse me? Presidents do cry. Just google “Bush tears up” and see how many separate incidents you find, and he presented himself as a hyper-masculinized cowboy when he was campaigning. But when Hillary Clinton does it? She’s clearly trying to manipulate the voters.

  2. For fuck’s sake. I can’t believe people are still giving a shit about CRYING. Get over it, let’s talk about shit that MATTERS.

  3. Manipulation? Who can really say. But the timing bears consideration, given that her New Hampshire win came one day after her first “emotional moment.” Exit polls in NH revealed that more than a few voters were moved enough by her tears to vote for her, simply to keep her in the race. At the time, accusations of manipulation were seen as callous. She was simply a human being.

    But when the same kind of “moment” occurs on the eve of Super Tuesday, the biggest primary day of the entire cycle, at a time when polls are showing in Obama’s favor (much like they did going into NH), then I really have to wonder if this isn’t an attempt to pluck the same emotional strings a second time.

    Nobody is saying a president doesn’t cry. We don’t want a steel-hearted android in the White House.

    If you read the comments in the CNN story, you’ll find supporter after supporter saying that she’s just under a lot of pressure from the campaign, so it is only natural that she’s emotional.

    Pressure from the campaign? It hasn’t even gotten fired up yet. And what she’s undergoing now is nothing compared to the stress and strain of being the leader of the free world.

    All I’m saying is … it takes some nerve to proclaim yourself the only candidate tough enough to withstand the scrutinous slings and arrows of the Republican Party when that same candidate can be broken presumably by a simple question of “How are you holding up?”

    But enough about this. What matters now is making the decisions to steer this country back onto the road and out of the ditch. Otherwise, we’ll all have a lot more to cry about.

  4. All I’m saying is … it takes some nerve to proclaim yourself the only candidate tough enough to withstand the scrutinous slings and arrows of the Republican Party when that same candidate can be broken presumably by a simple question of “How are you holding up?”

    Well ya know not everyone interprets tears as a sign that the person has been “broken.”

  5. It didn’t mean “broken” as in shattered entirely …

    Okay, to rephrase …

    “… when that same candidate’s otherwise stalwart demeanor can be broken albeit momentarily by …”

    Point remains the same. “How are you holding up?” ought not to be the catalyst for even a momentary breakdown when one is still a good eight or so months away from the election.

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