Category: Memories

  • livejournal salvage

    i spent a few minutes paring down and salvaging some of the better entries from my month long stint with livejournal. it is not a bad service, and the community aspect is good, but i just prefer the comforts of home.

  • extrospective

    okay. i have wanted to find a way to bring more collaboration into my site. it leaves one with an unhealthy sense of egoism to be the only one talking in the room, especially when the room is so theoretically huge. so i have created this, again through the apparent miracle of blogger (yes, you…

  • collecting in a teacup

    this is truly ambititious, and i have a feeling that i know quite a few people who can contribute volumes of information towards this project. TCUP. i wonder why nobody else thought of this before now.

  • demography

    step right up… step right up… get them while they’re hot, while you’re a demographic goldmine, yes, right here my little friends, you need to see these gen(eration) X images that will be used throughout the spring and summer by all manner and strain of vendor, merchant, institution, organization and creed to get your attention,…

  • this is a weblog

    i am incorporating a weblog into my site. this is it. after looking around and trying to find some way to immediately update and post my thoughts and considerations on the fly, i think i have found my solution. the company is called Blogger – a horrible name that sounds like something you would use…

  • the things we keep, pt. 1

    the things we keep define us. or so i have been told. i have been a packrat for as long as i can remember, leaving drawers full of items that mean nothing to all but me. that carries on to now. and i keep these stacks of letters, cards, clippings and tickets. ticketmaster tickets. these…

  • Image Conscious

    Maybe I just find old photographs fascinating. 2-dimensional revisitations to times past, moments lost, opportunities presented. But most of all, several people seem to have this curiosity about what I was like growing up. Others just never believe me when I claim to have had quite the substantial mullet in the early 90s. And so,…

  • Wonder Year

    Hollywood is usually an interesting gauge of a given year. For 1972, this is what could be found in your local cinerama: behind the green door ben blacula the candidate deep throat flesh gordon the godfather jeremiah johnson lady sings the blues pink flamingos play it again, sam the poseidon adventure shaft’s big score snoopy,…

  • believe it or not, i’m walking on air

    As I was watching X-Men this weekend, both times, I thought about a forgotten age of made-for-television superhero movies. Luckilly, this age occurred when I was a little television-addicted kid. I am referring to the late 70s, the era of disco, of polyester, of funk-influenced tv-themes. I need to reflect on this, I think… Okay.…

  • DC2K (who are you?)

    A week later, a few hours of sleep, a few days of work, and I think that I have perhaps recovered from DragonCon. Its funny. I had always wanted to go, even as far back as my junior high school days. In retrospect, going to a science fiction convention of the scope and oddity of…