
Jury Duty. Continues.

There is little worse for a word fiend like myself to be confronted with a Really Big Word — one that sounds a like a cross between onomatopoeia and aglio y oglio — while being oath-bound not to look it up on the Google.

The only true consolation is this: the experience is turning out to be incredibly interesting from so many angles.

So hey … how many of you other fine people have been through jury duty?

6 responses to “Sustained”

  1. I suffered through jury duty on a civil case as well (much ado about nothing), and since I had the shortest name (easiest to remember), I wound up jury foreman.

    The experience was interesting from many angles, and the jury was a good bunch–about as proportionate a cross section of Atlanta as you could pick.

    Hope it winds up for you soon.

  2. i had jury duty after only being registered to vote for three months in this fine county. it was a long day, and i learned a lot about my fellow potential jurors as the attorneys asked us everything up to what color undewear we had on. nosy bastards.

  3. Civil case just a couple of weeks ago. Kim v. Kim. In the beginning, I really felt for Mr. Kim, but by the time it was all over, he and his chickenshit attorney had done nothing to convince me or the other jurors that he had a case. We found in favor of Mr. Kim.

    I found out later that my mother is a friend of the winning Mr. Kim’s mother. I don’t think that really matters, though. After all, I didn’t know him before the case, and I still don’t know him. I had no idea his family was in any way acquainted with mine.

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