Papers, Please

You may reclaim your dignity only after we have examined it thoroughly.

What is that? Oh, that’s is the Playmobil Security Check Point. It is out of stock currently at Amazon, but I think I need one for my desk. I could scrutinize wee little passengers whilest on conference calls.

Some other things on my mind …

Caucusin’ Is Hard.

Which is why, I suppose, that there are rumbles and rumors of litigation coming from the Clinton Machine where Texas is concerned. Not content to make do with either one or the other, Texas enjoys the best of both worlds by holding a standard vote-and-go primary in the afternoon, followed by a caucus in the evening. 126 delegates are … um … delegated from the primary and 67 others move according to the caucus. Sounds like a grand ol’ time to me. Admittedly, I’ve never caucused, only primaried, and my head does spin a little when I read about the odd political rituals of Iowa and Idaho. But either way, the people are given an opportunity to speak.

So what’s the big deal? Maybe the Hill-folk can explain …

Clinton campaign aides have argued that caucuses favor Obama, whose campaign organization has turned out overwhelming numbers at caucuses in other states.

Huh. Caucuses favor Obama. The more complicated and involved method favors Obama. People willing to stand their ground and proclaim their choice before their peers favor Obama.

Whatever could that mean?

The End Is Nigh-er.

A little over a year ago, I gave all of you a reading assignment. Maybe some of you took it. Perhaps most didn’t. But if you had, the following names would not only be familiar to you, but they would also trigger a deep-seated response that might border on revulsion: John Hagee and Rod Parsley.

And so, it should be noted that this week, Senator John McCain received the hearty endorsement of both Hagee and Parsley.

Remember how Senator McCain used to be seen as a moderate? He used to be opposed solidly to torture, too. Yeah, not so much anymore.

Now that he has this dynamic duo on his side, his anti-Apocalypse stance might be slipping as well.

One response to “Papers, Please”

  1. Caucusin’ Is Hard.

    At first I read that as “Caucasian is hard,” and I thought it was a reference to the fact that all the little Playmobil people are white. (Even though the one going through the checkpoint looks kind of French, with that effete scarf ‘n’ all.)

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