Category: Politics

  • Heads Keep Rolling

    Just in case you weren’t keeping up, we’re down to five.

  • These Kids And Their Rap-Crap

    Brother Zell Miller sounds off on the Superbowl, pointy-headed ignoramouses and decency. (The speech is much more fun if you insert appropriate interjections between each paragraph. I would suggest phrases like “Woooo, doggie!” and “By cracky!” and “Filth and tarnation!” and “Lawdy Lawdy!”)

  • Now It’s Your Turn

    The UN Weapons Inspectors didn’t have much luck. British Intelligence assumed poorly. Our men and women in the field are turning up very little. So to whom does the CIA turn when Iraqi WMDs just can’t be found? They turn to you. We will carefully protect all information you provide, including your identity. Of course…

  • Victory Dean-ied

    Clay Shirky is waking up from the dream of a Dean regime and documenting his realizations. Ive had a hard time processing his Iowa and New Hampshire losses because Id spent months hearing about how well he was going to do. It has taken me two weeks to decide that my mental model how could…

  • A Revolution of Values

    “I speak as a citizen of the world, for the world as it stands aghast at the path we have taken. I speak as one who loves America, to the leaders of our own nation: The great initiative in this war is ours; the initiative to stop it must be ours… We must rapidly begin…

  • Doubleplusironic

    Bush Signs Anti-Corruption Proclamation ” Corruption of public institutions hampers U.S. efforts to promote security and strengthen democratic institutions and free-market systems, Bush said in a proclamation the White House released at the two-day summit, which began Monday. He said the United States is acting to restrict international travel and prevent entry into the country…

  • Mr. Robertson, You’re Doing It Again

    This time, Pat Robertson is predicting the presidential pick for 2004. His source is the best handicapper in the business — none other than the almighty God Himself. And the Lord says that the safe money is on Bush, and not only will he win, but it will be a “blowout” of major proportions. But…

  • am fam spam

    funny when things don’t turn out quite like you expect, isn’t it? imagine what they must be thinking now, the powers-that-be at the american family association. strong in their faith in a neo-con majority, they threw out their marriage survey with the confidence of a preacher facing a happy choir. surely the american people will…

  • steering ever southward

    a political compass is a revised means of looking at today’s political spectrum. instead of the simple left-to-right model, it offers a double-axis graph that measures liberal / conservative bias along the x-axis and authoritarian / libertarian bias along the y-axis. ten months ago, i took the 6-page test at my results were as…

  • letters to george

    “I know you, W. I know where you have been. You are the rich kid who avoided the draft. My friends, too poor to earn a deferment, found themselves in the 13 months of hell that was Vietnam. Yeah, you did the drugs, the drink, turned, in your own words, your mother’s hair grey –…