Category: Politics

  • if he runs and he wins, i’m leaving

    the mouthpiece of fox news is eyeing the big chair. seriously. the house will be sold, the cats will be packed and plane tickets will be bought for somewhere over the pond.

  • writing to conservatives: take one

    people love their idols, living or dead. when those idols are threatened, they get defensive. it is a behavioral trait as old as time. don’t go around tipping sacred cows, as they might tip back and crush you. this week, it was the conservative right who felt a looming threat from a television mini-series. while…

  • mr. robertson, you’re trying to offend me

    aren’t you, mr. robertson? surely you realize this. i know you’re not stupid. you graduated from mccallie, after all. in fact, i am confident that you know exactly what you’re doing. and what you are doing, mr. robertson? you’ve launched something called a “prayer offensive” — an excellent branding move, i must admit. in an…

  • gentlemen, hide your mp3s

    the hounds have been unleashed. you never thought it would happen. we never figured they would target the individual user. but guess what? never just happen’d.

  • drive us all to drink

    so i did all this preaching last week about responsibility and the duty that should drive us all to vote, and almost a week later it seems that the voting process is likely to drive us all to drink.

  • Election Electives

    Why is it? Why do I keep trying to think of song lyrics when I hear the word “election”? It is just odd. It is as if I have associated the word with some 80s greatest hit and only my subconscious has a copy of the tape. So I rack my brain and I think…

  • who loves you?

    who loves you and who do you love? election day is tomorrow. you can say that you are just not sure, that you need more information, that you wish someone would just point a magic weather map arrow at the right one for the job, but time is up. put your pencils down and close…

  • gore v. bush

    tonight is the first of the debates. gore will sling data. bush will parry with jokes. the whole country will behold the witty repartee of two amateur stand up comedians. and laugh… at least right now.